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Ein Zimmer für sich / Ein eigenes Zimmer / Ein Zimmer für sich allein / Vierhundertdreiunddreißig Bibliotheken (A Room of One’s Own / Four Hundred Thirty-Three Libraries)
Book piece, edition 10.000, Kajsa Dahlberg 2011

This version of A Room of One's Own / A Thousand Libraries is a compilation of marginal notes made by readers in copies, held by the Berlin libraries, of Virginia Woolf’s Ein Zimmer für sich allein, Ein eigenes Zimmer and Ein Zimmer für sich. The pages of the book are taken from Annette von Charpentier’s translation of Ein Zimmer für sich published in 1993 by Büchergilde Gutenberg, Frankfurt am Main. The piece was printed by the German publisher Reclam in the format of Reclam’s Universal-Bibliothek, a large series of canonical international literature, published in inexpensive editions. The book was printed in an edition of 10.000 copies and was for free.

The essay A Room of One’s Own was originally printed in October 1929 by Hogarth Press, England.

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